Strategic Planning
Organizations employ strategic planning as a way to move toward their desired future status (End Game). It is the process of developing and implementing plans to reach goals and objectives. Strategic planning, more than anything else, is what gives direction to an organization. Obtaining buy-in from all relevant parties is essential for successful strategic plan implementation.
- Key employees from all areas of the business should be included.
- Communicating the strategic plan to all employees is an important critical step.
- Challenging various departments to develop their own supporting tactical plans with specific objectives that focus on supporting the overall strategic plan of the company is the final piece.
- Accountability for execution is the glue that holds the plan together.
In many cases, a well thought out strategic plan is developed that has the potential to substantially improve a company's performance, but little thought is given to implementing, execution and accountability for the success of the plan.
There are a number of ways to insure that company behavior really changes as a result of the strategic planning process:
- Specific real-world objectives must be set. These could be as simple as implementing a new pricing model, or as far-reaching as starting up a new Greenfield operation outside of your current geographical market area.
- The objectives should be specific so that there is no ambiguity about what is required. Ideally the objective should not be to "consider becoming "Employer of Choice" (EOC), but should be to become EOC by recognizing specific initiatives required to succeed by a specific date. Exceptions will of course exist if there is information that must still be developed in order to finalize a specific objective.
- Expected timing and personnel accountability should be created throughout the action planning for each objective. Ideally there should be one individual who is accountable to company management for reaching each core initiative.
Ten Common Mistakes Made in Strategic Planning:
- A Dart Board approach that generates numerous initiatives but no means for implementation
- Failure to involve employees form all levels of the organization
- Developing vision, mission and value statements but no real actionable foresight as to what the business needs to look like 5 to 7 years into the future
- A weekend retreat where everybody drinks the same koolaid but little gets done that is actionable
- Failing to complete an effective roll out process
- Violating the "people-support-what-they-help-create" premise. The "End Game" should be reviewed and consensus of direction should be reached by the strategy team and the CEO-0wnership
- Conducting business as usual after strategic planning with no sense of urgency about the new strategic focus
- Failing to make the tough choices and holding people accountable
- Lacking specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measuring only what's easy, not what's important to the success of the strategic plan
- Seeing the planning document as an end in itself and then letting it collect dust
If you don't get people to buy into the strategic process on how change is managed, it will fail. This makes a "Roll Out Process" and a Core Strategy Statement that is understood by all levels of employees absolutely essential.
The CEO Strategist Methodology
There are five components that make strategic plans effective. They are:
- End Game - Vision for the Future
- Critical Core Initiatives (CCIs)
- Strategic Implementation Plans (SIPs)
- Accountability - The Strategic Review Meeting (SRM)
- The Roll Out Process
—The End Game...
The End Game is actually a Chess terminology used in the context of the end game strategy to win the game. It focuses on centralization of the king, the role of the pawns, the principle of weakness and the bishop's impact and that is as far as I will go with chess talk. I am not a chess player. However, the concept of the "End Game" in business is actually quite the same as in chess, the point being --- how do we win the game.
The "End Game" in business is simply defining what winning the game in your business is really about. What does winning mean. If you have seen one end game, you have seen one end game. Every end game is different, unique to the business, unique to its creator. The end game can be as simple as a statement about the character and integrity of the business or as detailed and complex as defining individual business segment growth with specific financial goals outlined with attendant timelines. Contrary to the definition of End, the "End Game" is really the beginning, the beginning of long term strategic planning.
—Critical Core Initiatives
Critical Core Initiatives (CCIs) define how the End Game will be achieved. They provide the general framework for the "big picture" improvements in the most important areas. They are broad and ambitious. Each Critical Core Initiative is supported by a set of SIPs that contain a sequenced set of tasks, schedules, and named responsible individuals. The creation of SIPs indicates that the chosen area is one that provides a high payoff in terms of innovation and managed change.
—Strategic Implementation Plans
Each Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) also has an owner. On an annual basis, this responsibility may be reassigned, at management discretion. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the agreed action steps and changes are accomplished within agreed time frame. For purposes of SIP accountability, each owner will be accountable to the President or another top-level executive, depending on organizational structure. It must be clearly understood that independent departmental segment business plans must be developed as the tactical part of this process once the strategic plan is approved.
—SRM------The Review and Control Process
The key managerial tool to ensure steady, consistent progress on SIP tasks is the formal Strategic Review Meeting (SRM). The SRM is held monthly - Bi-monthly or Quarterly. It provides a critical feedback loop for the strategic plan.
The purpose of the SRM is to:
- Clearly understand the status of your key initiatives.
- Keep executive focus on strategic, rather than just urgent, issues.
- Facilitate communication and support throughout the executive team and the company.
- Formulate emergency responses to company-wide threats or opportunities.
- Leverage all appropriate company resources while maintaining proper accountability for performance.
- Review progress and determinate status of deferred SIPs
The SRM should be attended by members of the Strategy Team, executive management and other senior managers. It will follow a formal agenda and discussions should be driven by two objective measurements: performance against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and progress of SIP task completion. SIP and action item owners must be held accountable for achieving the desired results by the due date indicated in the plan. The entire team should be held accountable for meeting KPI goals.
—The Roll Out Process
Make no mistake........... Strategy is executed by the employees. Communication with the employees that creates an understanding of what the company is trying to accomplish is essential to get employees on board and willing to give what it takes to create success. The key emphasis during this process must be about answering that age old question..... "Whats In It For Me" (WIIFM). Employees must recognize that value and success for the company creates value and success for them.
A key objective in the roll out process is to create a simplified version of the "Vision" that every employee can understand. This is often done by creating a strategic theme or "Core Strategy Statement". Nike for example uses the statement "Just Do IT" not only for marketing purposes but it has helped create an internal success culture. One CEO Strategist client simply uses the term P.R.I.D.E. to represent their strategic focus.
PRIDE --"it's more than a goal ---- it's a way of life at XYZ Company"
Professionalism - Reliability--Innovation--Dedication--Excellence
Of course the roll out process must clearly define exactly what that means to the employee. You get an "A" if you ask any employee and they can tell you what the companies strategic focus is about. You get an "A+++" if they can not only tell you what the strategic focus is but they can also explain their role or how they impact that focus.
Strategic planning is a creative process the starts with the visionary creativity of the owner or CEO. The fresh insight it engenders might very well alter past initiatives. Planning also consumes resources which are precious commodities. It can be an overwhelming and daunting task, but it is a process that eventually defines the direction and activities of the organization. Despite its overwhelming nature, the benefits of planning can far outweigh the hard work and pain involved in the process. Strategic planning is a key process that adjusts an organization's direction in response to a changing environment. It supports the fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide an organization. A sound strategic plan can help define and focus a distributor's efforts to move the company in the right direction, using the best methods.
Strategic planning creates a team culture that is necessary for success. Working together effectively is not automatic. It takes a specific effort and the development of a culture that is supported by executive management. Shared experiences create unity and value. Knowledge transfer is essential for an organization to grow. Without knowledge transfer and the sharing of the planning experience it is difficult for the group to share the vision and work toward common goals.