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Nine Things Every Usable Website Should Strive For:

№ 1 — Design for the common denominator

Ever notice how the major corporations online have some things in common? We expect certain things when we browse websites; they have become commonplace in web design.

  • Position of logos—Most, if not all sites position their logos in the top left of the site. There are a number of elements within a page that should be in certain place, the following are a list of what should go where:
  • Contact us—Should appear on every page. A link to this should be on every page.
  • Logo—Top Left of the page. Users expect to find the company brand quickly; top left of the page is the first place they will look. Remember people read left to right, starting at the top and working your way down to the bottom.
  • Search—Top Right. The majority of users expect to find your search box in the top right of the screen, assuming that you have one. Searches are generally only applicable for large sites, but once your site gets big enough, they are essential. Their operation needs to be extremely accurate, because search is generally a last ditch attempt to find something on your site.

№ 2 — Keep it "Sticky"

What brings you back to any of the websites you visit on a regular basis? Generally, you will come back for a few reasons, primarily content. Teach me something and I'll come back for more. Entertain me, make me laugh, and I'll come back for more. Stir any of my emotions, and I'll come back for more. Show me something new and I'll come back because I'm nosey. Plant ideas in my head, and I'll feel empowered. Fail to keep your website fresh, with fresh content and neither search engines or visitors will come back for more.

№ 3 — Keep it "Simple"

I don’t want to "think" when I'm viewing your webpage; I want the answers to the questions I'm asking. Is this company reputable, who else have they worked with, what is the standard of their work like, will I get value for money, are they professional? Answer these questions and you'll get a sale. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple s_ _ _ _ _.

№ 4 — Common-Sense tactics

Contrary to popular belief, people are easily scared online. It's the fear of the unknown. Therefore don’t surprise your visitors with links that say click here - unless you've told them in the copy what they can expect to find. Don't think that the latest flash, spinning logo is going to impress them either - keep the fancy stuff classy. People have become accustomed to things that flash being advertisements online.

№ 5 — Make it sexy. But not too revealing

Please hire a professional designer. They are worth their weight in gold. Make sure your website looks sexy, but doesn't go for the extreme. Sometimes there is such a thing as too much graphics. Don’t make your Website impressive the first time you see it, but you don't go back for years, because there's nothing new, and nothing of substance.

№ 6 — Give users control

Don’t take away visitor preferences; allow users to change text size by using ems, rather than pixel width sizes. You don’t know whether a potential visitor is potentially poor of sight. Therefore forcing them to view your site in a particular font size is going to annoy them. The same goes with browser size. Don’t force a user to view your website at a certain resolution.

№ 7 — Leave out the gimmicks

  • Flash Intros—There are a number of reasons why these in most cases are bad news. Flash intros show a lack of understanding of your website visitors. They don’t want to navigate around marketing stuff the minute they visit your site. They want quick access to the information THEY want. Flash intros are slow to load, and provide nothing more than a barrier to the real information on your website. The skip intro button has got to be the most clicked on button on the Internet. Flash intros are also bad news for search engine robots, which can’t get to the real content on your site because they can't read the flash file.

№ 8 — Maintaining Website consistency

This is key in keeping visitors. This goes hand in hand with common sense tactics. A user will quickly become disconcerted with a website changing its navigation methods half way through browsing, and may leave the website as a result.

№ 9 — Clean Layout

 A website with a clean layout style, coupled with legible font colors has the edge over a graphically heavy website, with poor legibility. Remember that content is always king, give users what they want as quickly as possible. The message you portray is your brand, and as such is a reflection of the service you offer to visitors in the real world.